City Hall
241 West South Street, Kalamazoo

This 1931 structure, across Bronson Park from the County Building, is a perfect example of what some call "Civic Art Deco". The February 1932 issue of Architectural Forum offers a description of Kalamazoo’s City Hall:
"In plan and general character the building is suggestive of Classic Grecian form, yet the ornament and other details are essentially modern in interpretation."

Like the American National Bank Building, City Hall was also designed by Chicago architects Weary and Alford.

The exterior of City Hall is limestone, with carved panels depicting important historical events in Kalamazoo.Cast aluminum and colored glass are found on light fixtures, windows and doorways outside, as well as throughout the spacious atrium. Of note are the brass elevator doors, the green marble drinking fountains, and the aluminum grille motifs rumored to be stylized interpretations of celery. The recently restored Commission Chambers features a mural with a list of historically important persons, painted by Weary and Alford’s Otto Stauffenberg.