KalamazooMi.com ---------- "On the web since 1995!"

Web Sites Directory for Kalamazoo County Michigan

Living in Kalamazoo

Political Web Sites

The following list of political web sites is provided as a reference. It does not imply preference to a particular party or candidate. Included are incumbents, candidates and organizations.

Kalamazoo College Democrats

Kalamazoo College Republicans

Kalamazoo County Democratic Party

Kalamazoo County Republican Party

Fred Upton (R) - Incumbent U.S. Congress Representative 6th District

Gary Peters (D) - Incumbent U.S. Senator from Michigan

Debbie Stabenow (D) - Incumbent U.S. Senator from Michigan


Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners

Kalamazoo City Commissioners


Vote411.org Election Information You Need
A one-stop shop for non-partisan information on elections and candidates.

Sites submitted for inclusion on this site must be organizations or businesses located in Kalamazoo County or provide significant benefit to the community as a whole. Site selection and all final decisions are at our discretion.

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This site created and hosted by Keith Knapp in Kalamazoo, MI.