KalamazooMi.com ---------- "On the web since 1995!"

Web Sites Directory for Kalamazoo County Michigan

Living in Kalamazoo

Visitors' Information

Located midway between Chicago and Detroit, Kalamazoo is rapidly becoming an important center for business, education, culture, and many other activities. A strong and dependable work force, combined with innovative and responsible leadership, has made Kalamazoo County one of the most desirable areas of the United States in which to live.

Sites submitted for inclusion on this site must be organizations or businesses located in Kalamazoo County or provide significant benefit to the community as a whole. Site selection and all final decisions are at our discretion.

Business and Commerce | Arts and Entertainment | Visitors' Info | KalamazooMi.com

This site created and hosted by Keith Knapp in Kalamazoo, MI.