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Web Sites Directory for Kalamazoo County Michigan

Living in Kalamazoo

Community Churches, Temples and Spiritual Affiliates Links

Agape Christian Church
It all started with simple, ordinary people responding to a voice that said, Come follow Me! Today Jesus Christ is still calling people unto Himself as He builds His church. Welcome to Agape where we are Building for Eternity.

Alternatives Women's Care Center
Alternatives Women's Care Center is a non-profit, faith-based, Christian pro-life ministry, whose primary purpose is to minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of all who are involved in pregnancy situations. We also address many issues including abortion, abstinence, sexually transmitted diseases, homelessness and teen pregnancy.

Berean Baptist Church
If you desire a place to worship, a place for fellowship and encouragement, a place to be a vital part of the Body of Christ, we would count it a privilege to be your church family. There is a place for you in worship and Bible study, as well as many opportunities for ministry and service.

Bethany Christian Services
Our office in Kalamazoo began over 15 years ago and is now a fully licensed, child-placing agency providing adoption, foster care, counseling, and mentoring services.

Bethany Reformed Church
Bethany is a part of the Reformed Church in America.

Blue Heaven
Blue Heaven is a regional Christian Gospel Blues group performing original Blues that will energize your soul. Our first CD is titled "Blues No More". Blue Heaven is a must see act, with smoking-hot blues and a powerful message of hope for the lost.

Calvary Bible Church
Ancient Words Of Truth Transforming Lives Today, Join Us For Worship Sundays At 9 am 10:30 am 6:00 pm, Nursery Care Provided Ministries For All Ages.

Calvary Reformed Church of Mattawan
We in the Reformed Church in America believe God created humans perfect and free to make choices. They chose to disobey their Creator. Turning away from God, humanity fell into sin. All of the suffering and evil in the world is because of this sin.

Christian Global Medical Healthcare Incorporated Mission is to increase access to healthcare and reduce health disparities. We just purchased 1511 Portage Road and will be moving there March 2022.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
We believe in God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost, that through Christ, all may be saved. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men. We contribute to local and global humanitarian, genealogical, and family services. Visitors are always welcome to attend any of our congregations or family history (genealogy) centers across the Kalamazoo area.

Congregation of Moses
A Conservative Jewish Congregation Affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. "A Friendly Congregation in southwest Michigan."

Covenant United Reformed Church of Kalamazoo
Covenant United Reformed Church is a community of Christian believers in the Dutch Reformed tradition. We are a congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America that is located in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Community of Christ
The Kalamazoo congregation of the Community of Christ denomination. 2523 Amherst Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI Worship 11:00am (Summer hours 10:00am Jun-Aug) We are a Christian denomination that proclaims Jesus Christ and promotes communities of joy, home, love, and peace. All are welcome.

Diocese of Kalamazoo - Roman Catholic
Site includes information regarding all parishes in the nine county diocese; schedules, contact info, etc.

Family of God at Southern Heights
Southern Heights is a place to hear about the love of Jesus Christ. Contemporary, Relevant and Caring we want you to find out how knowing Jesus can change your life, forever!

First Baptist Church of Kalamazoo
First Baptist Church is where questions are as important as answers. Ours is a difficult time in which to live. Values are being challenged, familiar patterns are breaking down, and personal and social issues are becoming more complex. In a changing world, people need a spiritual foundation that supports and challenges them to live fully and confidently. At First Baptist Church of Kalamazoo, you are not expected to have "arrived" morally or spiritually. You are not required to accept a narrow creed or list of tightly-packaged doctrines. You are asked only to be yourself, a mixture of faith and doubt, strengths and weaknesses, dreams and frustrations ~ and to yearn and hope to grow in your understanding of God, other people, and yourself. We believe that our ministries at FBC can help individuals and families to find purpose and enrichment. For them, the reality and goodness of God and the possibilities of human life will be discovered in the fellowship of our church.

First Presbyterian Church
Located in downtown Kalamazoo, First Presbyterian Church seeks to welcome everyone, reflecting a spirit of Christ's acceptance and forgiveness as we share and learn together in our mission and ministry.

First United Baptist Church
The Lord has blessed First United Baptist Church with a wonderful vision which is, "Teaching The Word, Changing The World", based on Acts 2:36-41. We firmly believe that God will make a mighty move in the lives of His children that seek to establish a real relationship with Him based on direction from His word. According to Isaiah 55:11, God's word will not go out and return void, but will accomplish what He sent it to do. When disciples are thoroughly equipped with the word, they will begin to represent His words of love, joy, health, wealth, peace, restoration, and forgiveness that are being manifested in their lives. Change will be evident as people begin to observe the fruit we are bearing and they will come crying, "What must I do to be saved?" As God's church continues to grow by operating on His Kingdom Principles, we will begin to punch holes in the darkness and allow His light to guide those still trapped in darkness into His marvelous light. When we teach the word, we will change the world by changing the lives of people regardless of their background of how problematic their yesterdays have been. Jesus Christ can still take individuals who the world has neglected and rejected, and allow them to become respected based on their new fellowship with Him.

First United Methodist Church
A large-membership congregation of nearly 1,300 persons, regionally accessed, located in downtown Kalamazoo, Michigan (across the street from Bronson Park).

Greater Faith Empowerment Center
GFEC is not a denomination. The purpose of this ministry is to provide a broad range of spiritual, educational and professional benefits to assist individuals and families in fulfilling their respective roles in the Body of Christ. GFEC is structured and organized to provide preaching, teaching and fostering growth to believers. The goal of GFEC is to provide healing to the wounded through the Word of God and show the lost the way to salvation.

Heritage Christian Reformed Church
Heritage Church is a group of people who love Jesus Christ and are continually learning what it means to love one another. Our mission is "to INTRODUCE people to Jesus Christ, to help them GROW to be more like Him, and then to REPRODUCE the process in others. There is always room for one more, and we hope that one more is you.

Kalamazoo Community Church
Have you searched for a place where you could be yourself, ask your questions, take whatever time you need to figure it out and make friends all the while? Well, here it is...Kalamazoo Community Church! At KCC, we want to help you, no matter where you are in your understanding of God, to grow closer to Him. This is a place where you ll know you re accepted and that we re all on this journey together. This church exists to reach out to seekers, while building into believers.

Kalamazoo Gospel Mission
ELIGIBLE: Persons 18 or older. Younger persons if accompanied by a legal guardian.
SERVICE: Offering emergency shelter for men, women, and women with children; Good Samaritan Program for men and women who need overnight shelter; and a year-long Discipleship program for men, women and women with children, who are struggling with addiction.

Kalamazoo First Assembly of God
The Bible is our all-sufficient rule for faith and practice.

Kalamazoo Friends Meeting (Quaker)
Kalamazoo Friends Meeting is the local Quaker congregation. We meet on Sunday mornings for worship, adult study, and children s programming. Quakers historic commitment to peace and justice arises from our tradition of recognizing that of the divine in everyone. Everyone is welcome.

Welcome to LAKE CENTER BIBLE CHURCH, where we are making disciples of Jesus Christ who CELEBRATE the Glory of God, COMMUNICATE the Word of God, and CARE for the People of God. We are committed to loving, teaching, and leading individuals and families in Portage and all of Southern Kalamazoo County area into becoming authentic followers of Jesus Christ.

LifeSpring Church
At LifeSpring, we think church should be a place you can t wait to come back to. When you visit LifeSpring you ll experience great, contemporary music with a real band, a message you can actually relate to, and people who really care about you. LifeSpring serves Texas Township and the greater Kalamazoo area.

Faith-Based, Life-Skill Education

Miracle Camp and Retreat Center
Miracle Camp and Retreat Center is located on beautiful Bankson Lake. We offer summer camps, winter retreats, adult retreats, and team building.

Missional Chaplains
Community Service Chaplains, meeting people at their point of need.

Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Mt. Zion Baptist Church has a five-fold purpose: To Grow: Larger through... EVANGELISM, Deeper through...DISCIPLESHIP, Warmer through... FELLOWSHIP, Stronger through... WORSHIP, Broader through... MINISTRY

New Day Community Church
A contemporary church ministering the timeless truth of the gospel of Jesus in a way relevant for our day.

New Life Fellowship Church
A Christian Pentecostal church and a member of the Church of God in Christ organization.

New Testament Organic Church
The New Testament Organic Chruch is believers returning to the way Christians have worshipped God in early centuries. The New Testament confirms that believers met in homes "to the church in thy house:" Philemon 2:1. Come and enjoy the Lord's supper as a full meal on Sunday evening or join us during the week for a Bible study. We are unlike any other church. No clicks, No politics, No Tithes and offerings, People are the church not a building, plurality of co-equall elders vs the one man show, meeting together in close fellowship.

Oakwood Bible Church
Oakwood Bible Church is a non-denominational church with historic roots in Kalamazoo. But our chief desire is to be and effective church that fulfills the Great Commision of preaching the Gospel of Christ and making devoted disciples of His.

Pine Island Presbyterian Fellowship
A New Church Development of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan Serving Mattawan, Oshtemo and Texas Corners by Serving Christ with 1st Century Power and 21st Century Vision.

Second Christian Reformed Church
Second Christian Reformed Church of Kalamazoo MI would love to have you come worship with us. Visit our website for more information.

Second Reformed Church

Skyridge Church
We are a New Testament church, drawing upon Anabaptist and Pietist traditions. As such, we attempt to live our unfolding understanding of the Good News.

Southridge Reformed Church
A vibrant congregation filled with warm and caring people. We are located just outside Kalamazoo, Michigan, in the Texas Township area. We offer many opportunities for spiritual growth at every age level where you will be encouraged to grow in your faith and relationship with Christ, as well as your relationships with others. Our worship services are contemporary and relevant to whatever stage of life you find yourself at.

St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Whoever you are, wherever you are on your Journey of Faith, we welcome you to St. Luke's. Our doors are open for all to enter. We invite you to journey with us.

St. Michael Lutheran Church
A basic overview of our church which also features our daycare, preschool and kindergarten as well as senior day care.

Third Christian Reformed Church
The members of Third Christian Reformed Church commit themselves to GROW in Christ through worship and prayer and, renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit, to GATHER unchurched neighbors into our fellowship, HELP needy neighbors in Christ's name, and NURTURE one another in edifying relationships with Jesus Christ and each other.

Threads Church
We may not look like church, we may not sound like church, and we may not act like any church you've ever been to before; but we are indeed a church. Some find us different, but for many it feels like home.

Unitarian Universalist Community Church
A liberal religion born of the Jewish and Christian traditions. We keep our minds open to the religious questions people have struggled with in all times and places. We believe that personal experience, conscience, and reason should be the final authorities in religion. In the end religious authority lies not in a book, person, or institution, but in ourselves. We put religious insights to the test of our hearts and minds.

Unity of Kalamazoo
Discover Unity's positive practice of Christ's love and acceptance on your spiritual path. We celebrate our oneness. We honor and affirm the dignity of all. We embrace your race, creed, color, and lifestyle. Unity of Kalamazoo is a non-denominational Christian ministry affiliated with Daily Word & Silent Unity in Lee's Summit, MO. Youth & Adult Worship 10:30 a.m.

Westminster Presbyterian Church
The purpose of Westminster Presbyterian church is to be a family of faith serving Jesus Crist and sharing the message of God's love. We seek to sustain and support our members in their efforts to live in relationship with Christ. We engage in dialogue with scripture and with one another in order to hear the voice of God and to see the image of Christ's church, trusting in God's Spirit to lead and teach us. We are committed to spiritual growth as well as faithful service to the community and to the world. Affirming diversity as a gift, we welcome all to join with us in our journey of faith.

Sites submitted for inclusion on this site must be organizations or businesses located in Kalamazoo County or provide significant benefit to the community as a whole. Site selection and all final decisions are at our discretion.

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This site created and hosted by Keith Knapp in Kalamazoo, MI.