KalamazooMi.com ---------- "On the web since 1995!"

Web Sites Directory for Kalamazoo County Michigan

Living in Kalamazoo


Community Service Info

For information about Kalamazoo Newcomers, Newelco Welcome Service, Portage Area Newcomers, and the Welcome Wagon, call the Kalamazoo County Chamber of Commerce at (269) 381-4000.

Health Care

A list of other medical and mental health resources, and phone numbers for organizations that refer doctors can be ordered.

Emergency - 911

In most of Kalamazoo County, call 911 for immediate fire, police, and medical emergency assistance.

Day Care Centers

Kalamazoo County has more than 100 licensed day care centers. Michigan day care centers are licensed by the Family Independence Agency (FIA). The local licensing office can be reached at 1-866-685-0006 Bureau of Regulatory Services.


Kalamazoo County has a number of agencies that provide employment counseling, training, and/or placement.

Senior Services

A number of organizations provide services and opportunities for senior citizens. For a comprehensive listing, call Senior Services at (269) 382-0515.

Sites submitted for inclusion on this site must be organizations or businesses located in Kalamazoo County or provide significant benefit to the community as a whole. Site selection and all final decisions are at our discretion.

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This site created and hosted by Keith Knapp in Kalamazoo, MI.